AGM 2017 - Your Club Needs You!

At the end of April, we will be electing our new Committee for the coming year. This year all positions are available- a nomination form will be sent nearer the date for the AGM but meanwhile, can we ask you to look at the job descriptions and see if there is a role for you.
Please do think about stepping up over the coming weeks. SILC has an awesome reputation for both great fun social events and helping out in the local community but without volunteers none of this can happen. Get in touch with our Chair, Jane, on if you would like to know more or just to have a chat about what the job involves.
SILC Committee Positions 2017
Chair –main duties are to chair our monthly meetings and to serve as official representative of the club at both our own functions and in the wider community; to write monthly article for the newsletter and to oversee the smooth running of the club in line within our aims and objectives.
Vice- main role is to support the Chair in her duties and assume responsibility in her absence.
Secretary- to prepare and distribute an agenda for each meeting; to keep notes at the meeting then circulate these as minutes shortly after; to arrange AGM venue.
Treasurer- to invoice and receipt all payments on SILCs behalf; to arrange payments to be made, to re-imburse all expenses incurred on behalf of the group and to bank all monies into the club; prepare accurate monthly accounts for distribution to the Committee and externally audited annual accounts, to be submitted to the membership at the AGM.
Assistant Treasurer- to assist the Treasurer in general tasks and presentation of monthly/ annual accounts; to assume responsibilities should the Treasurer be absent.
Membership- to keep up to date list of all members and their details, to be shared with the Editor; to arrange for collection of annual subs, in liaison with the Treasurer; to welcome new members by email and remind existing members for renewal; to send regular emails to members with club activities and community notices; to digitally distribute the Newsletter to all members and to produce and distribute our annual Members Directory.
Newsletter Editor- responsible for producing our monthly digital newsletter which includes up to date information on our activities; to collate and edit articles submitted; work with advertisers and Treasurer to arrange details of ads and payments for them.
On-Line Media- to keep the SILC website up to date and arrange relevant Facebook posts in line with our not-for-profit protocols.
Welfare- to be responsible for the investigation of and contact with charities, based on the Club goals for Welfare; prepare monthly progress reports to be shared at meetings and with the Editor; lead and co-ordinate the broader Welfare team including holding regular Welfare meetings; to co-ordinate monthly craft activity and weekly English programme in the pre-schools; to co-ordinate weekly food and fruit delivery at the same; provide a monthly cash flow report for the Treasurer and annual budget proposal; to provide details/ recommendations on projects and to liaise with charities on funding and volunteers.
Coffees- to arrange regular Coffee Mornings for the group, finding suitable venues and menu selections; to make reservations, take bookings and arrange payments where needed, in liaison with the Treasurer; to provide advert for the Newsletter and email for Members.
Lunches- to arrange monthly lunches for the group, finding suitable venues and menu selections; to make reservations, take bookings and arrange payments where needed, in liaison with the Treasurer; to provide advert for the Newsletter and email for Members.
Tours- to make all arrangements for regular tours including location, transport, reservations and calculations of cost; to be contact person for bookings; to work with the Treasurer to arrange payments if required and to provide Advert for Newsletter and email for members.
General Committee, Maximum 2 Positions – to support and assist the other Committee members as requested; to assume duties of officers temporarily unable to carry out their duties or in the event of their departure