This year's 'must have' Christmas gift for cooks - Bilingual Bites 2
The second edition of our SILC Cookbook, Bilingual Bites, is selling well. It is full of interesting and delicious recipes from around the world - all tried and tested by SILC ladies. If you would like to purchase a copy please email Chris on, or visit our stall at one of the events listed below.

Books are 700THB, Sets with an Apron are 1000THB and we also have fabric bags for 200THB
We will be selling at the following events in the run up to Christmas if you would like to visit our stall:
24th Nov @ Natural Park from 730am to 1pm
27th Nov BKKKids @ the Commons, Thonglor 10am to 6pm
1st Dec BWG Luncheon
6th Dec Passion Fair @ Nichada 10am to 3:30pm
14th Dec BPS Christmas Concert 6pm - 9pm
15th Dec Thai Craft Fair, Jasmine City 9am - 2:30pm