How to join
We are always pleased to welcome new members to our vibrant, International women's group, so whether you are new to Bangkok or an established Bangkok resident please get in touch and join us at some of our events. All nationalities and age groups are invited. If you are unsure please get in contact with a member of the committee and come along to one of our events for a taster!
To join, please click on the 'SILC Membership Form' button below and fill in the required information in the online application form. Please pay your membership fee to the Treasurer or Membership Secretary. You can also deposit the fee to the account details mentioned in the form and mail the proof to silcthai@gmail.com.
Our membership entitles you to a monthly copy of our SILC Newsletter and a chance to join the wide array of exciting activities each month . Our monthly newsletter keeps you up to date with what is happening at the following month's events, details of our community preschool activities, reviews and more. You are welcome to get involved as much or as little as you like.
We look forward to meeting you!